Educação - A Arma Mais Poderosa Para Mudar o Mundo - Jotapê Malara


Born and raised on the outskirts of São Paulo, Jotapê had to face many obstacles because he didn't have access to quality education. In this talk he shares how he discovered his purpose after going through the most tragic moment of his life and how he created an application that is transforming the reality of young people from outskirts around the world. Better known as Jotapê, João Paulo Malara, born and raised on the outskirts of São Paulo, is the founder and CEO of NewSchool - an educational movement that is revolutionizing quality learning for youth in the periphery. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.


Elaine Vasconcelos Nunes Viana


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